PISD Bus Information

Route Information: Check Route Finder to confirm your bus information. We recommend checking this the day before school to confirm any updates to your students’ route information.


Dispatch Contact Number469-752-0792


Frequently Asked Questions: Answers to commonly asked questions regarding transportation policies and procedures. 


Bus Rules and Guidelines: Important safety information and behavior expectations for students while riding the bus. See our FAQ for specifics.


Late Bus Information: The late bus web page provides bus information for any buses running 30 minutes or more late.


Important Message for ALL Pre-K, Kindergarten & First Grade Bus Riders/Families:

  • Parents of students in pre-k, kindergarten and first grade must follow specific guidelines regarding their bus badge and parent placard, which should be obtained from their campus. 
  • Students will be returned to their home campus if the parent does not have their identification placard. This important safety procedure requires the parent/guardian/designee to have a parent placard that matches the bus badge on the student’s backpack. This provides reassurance for parents that our students are matched with their guardian at the bus stop daily.

Bus Stop Release Guideline Reminders:

  • Students are assigned to bus stops based on the campus serving their home address. Due to safety concerns, students may not use alternate bus stops or bus routes.
  • Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K), Kindergarten (Kinder) and 1st grade students must have their color-coded bus badge every day.
  • A Pre-K, Kinder, and 1st grade parent/guardian/designee must present their color-coded bus placard every day at the bus door. If the bus placard is not presented, a government issued photo ID can be presented for verification. This is for the safety of the child.
  • Pre-K, Kinder and 1st grade students may be released to a 3rd grade or older sibling provided a Sibling Authorization Form (https://forms.gle/idVTTs74SaNaPucW6) has been previously completed. The 3rd grade or older sibling will be issued a sibling bus badge and they must present their sibling bus badge every day in order to disembark with the Pre-K, Kinder and 1st grade younger sibling.
  • In the event proper credentials are not presented, a Pre-K, Kinder, and 1st grade student will not be released. The student will be returned to the student’s campus and escorted by the bus driver or bus assistant into the school office.
  • A parent or guardian will be required to pick up the student at the student’s campus. The parent or guardian will need to present a government issued photo ID for the student to be released.
  • A Bus Safety Violation Notice will be issued. After three reports the student may be temporarily suspended from the bus. If this occurs more than three times the student will be denied bus transportation for a period of time to be determined by the campus.
  • Students in 2nd grade may be released without a parent/guardian/designee or older sibling. Please note: We are not able to release younger siblings to a 2nd grade student.
  • Students in 3rd grade and up may be released without a parent/guardian/designee and can escort a Pre-K, Kinder and 1st grade sibling if sibling bus badge is presented.
  • Children must follow all school bus safety rules. Please work with us to help your student understand the importance of bus safety.
  • Some routes have bus assistants to help ensure safety. Please cooperate with bus drivers and assistants.

For all your school bus-related inquiries, please visit our dedicated transportation web page on the school district’s website.